Friday, November 6, 2009

60 second update...

**SAMPLE** In honor of the recent Social Venture Team I've joined, as well as my considering Grad school... enjoy a 30 second MBA!

Okay, so the past has proven, when I get busy... I get busy...! But I am trying to repent and am hoping to make a real post one of these days : ) However, for a minute update... here is the latest!

1. Ran, finished and actually... ENJOYED the St. George Marathon!
2. Am really enjoying my Advertising class - yay for communications!
3. Just joined a team for the Social Venture Competition... it's a plan that I really believe in and am thrilled about... called Musana... more details to come on that! (

4. Have decided to plan on getting a Masters, potentially an MPA (Public Administration) and feel great about it!
5. My laptop pretty much crashed... but I was able to save files and am grateful to be back in business!
6. Was a Flamenco dancer for Halloween : )

7. Started a sweets fast until Thanksgiving... (but I can have cereal as a treat... and an occasional reduced fat nilla wafer : )
8. Am feeling great about recent goals... even made a star chart and progress is being made!
9. Speaking of goals, started reading the Book of Mormon ( in Spanish... wish me luck!

10. I've been actually getting excited about cooking!! I found that looking at it as an exotic experience and a way to travel by cooking foreign foods can make it inspiring... tapas anyone?!
11. Submitted a funny idea to do at work... and now they are doing it, yay! : ) (that's right... if you go to the computer labs, you could be randomly selected to get free prints and a candy bar... yay for Patron appreciation!)
12. I'm feeling like I finally have a game plan to graduate on time (by my standards... which equals August 2010)

13. I have just decided to help with Y Days which is basically a week long service campaign in March, and it makes me excited to do some "university" work again... and it's about time I really become "invested" in BYU : )
14. Had the opportunity to hear Greg Mortensen speak, the author of Three Cups of Tea (which I've also been trying to read among the other 5 books I've started: ) - super inspiring, read it! (
15. Have been going to bed (a little earlier?) at a decent enough time to get aaalmost 8 hours on most nights... MAJOR accomplishment for me! : )

Well... that's a wrap! there is plenty more where that came from, but that's just a minute sample of what I've been up to/excited about over the last little while. Thanks for tuning in!

Much love,

YOUR TURN/READER THOUGHTS: What is something you are really excited about/looking forward to right now? OR... what was your favorite Halloween costume you saw?


Anonymous said...

an OCCASIONAL nilla wafer?....

Rebecca said...

Yay for cooking!! And Sleep!! Who is this new Kristina??

Rebecca said...

Also, sticker/star charts are the best motivation ever! My mom could use one to get me to do ANYTHING!

Krystin said...

kristina! i know we haven't talked in AGES..but i happened upon your blog....and had to say two things, amazing you ran a marathon i ran a half and it was so fun! and two i can't believe you met greg mortenson..i took a Pakistan class last semester and read Three Cups of Tea and LOVED the book! i am jealous! Look likes you are doing well! miss you!

Autumn said...

I skimmed the scoop. Masters? Cool!! I'll have to intake the whole scoop.

.... And now, for some flavorful & audio-licious enjoyment .... ; )

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