Monday, September 26, 2011

New Goals!! Poor Man's Travels

German Coastguard... : ) & Brief tour of Hamburg


Oh heeeeeey!!!! ; ) So it's been a while... I know I have wild masses of fans who have mourned my absence.... : ) but don't you fret... I am going to try to repent for my personal record of my life (note sarcasm in wild masses of fans... ; ).  If anyone still/ever did read this... get ready, because... I'M BACK!!!   Okay, actually, I struggle with commitment, so no promises... BUT  I'm going to try to write more because....!! I have a new goal.  If you know me well, or if you hardly know me at all... you probably know I have a slight obsession with experiencing and tasting as much of life as I can.  (and when I say taste... I DO mean literally.... ; )

Here's the scoop... I have a passion for travel, but limited resources in regards to $$$ and time... and (yes, it's true) I have a personal mission statement, and part of it includes experiencing as much of life as I can -- whether it be through actual travel, talking with people about their life stories, foods, music, dance, art, work, lifestyle, religion, etc. etc. etc. and do my best to do more with less.

As I was pondering recently how I could travel with limited resources, I have decided to experience it the best I can on my own.  Last year I started this on a smaller scale with Tapas Sundays when I would put on my flamenco apron, listen to flamenco music and invite a friend over to have tapas (in honor of my love for Spain : ).  I have decided to re-start and re-vamp this goal; meaning, my new goal is, to choose a new country each month and learn about/experience it each month.  The ways I do this may vary each month.  I am banking on DC being really cultural and having lots to offer... let's hope it does : ).

Here is where you come in -- as I scan for movies, documentaries, music, recipes, youtube videos, phrases, jokes, culture tid-bits, events, games, traditions, news, cool person of that country to learn about, awful American assumptions/stereotypes about the country, outfits to try on, etc. to try/do -- or just even share with me your own memory or experience for a little inspiration : ).

I already have a full plate, so I am not going to get too obnoxious with this goal, but am going to try to get a little country action in each week.  Upcoming country for OCTOBER.......... (drum roll.......)  GERMANY!!!!

Plans thus far for my "poor man's travels":

  • I'm attending a dinner at the German Embassy -- so I'll even get to touch some German soil! : )
  • Hitting up some kind of PG Oktoberfest event 
  • Finding somewhere where I can do a photoshoot with some traditional german clothes..... any recommendations of where I can get my hands on some?? : )
  • Rest of the ideas I'll be deciding from here and FB... so shoot me some ideas!  In the future, if this takes off.... maybe I'll even let people vote on my adventures or the country for the next month -- or even give out some invites to come eat/cook/attend with me if you're up for it....!! : )

Let the games begin! Taking ideas/love experiences/feedback starting............... NOW! : )  As I love traveling with others and sharing adventures with people... I hope you'll join me in the journey and tag along ; ).


(OR maybe I should just re-enact this like these folks... even if it doesn't REALLY have anything to do with Germany... still could be fun...!! : ) Ferris Bueller... Danke!

.... And now, for some flavorful & audio-licious enjoyment .... ; )

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