Sunday, September 13, 2009



I can’t express just how happy and at peace I am with life right now. I know who I am and I know where I am going… (for the most part : ) at least I know it is somewhere… even if it just where the wind blows me : ) j/k. But I believe that we are here on earth for a purpose, which is to fulfill The Plan of HAPPINESS.

Sometimes I’ve wondered how it could be The Plan of Happiness when there is so much pain and sorrow in the world; however, one must know opposition to fully know just that… the opposition of both good and bad – how much sweeter the fruit of happiness is once one has experienced the struggles of sorrow and sadness, indecision and the unknown, etc. etc.

I won’t go into great detail right now, but I have had some interesting experiences regarding making life decisions about my future, emotional investments and which paths to take and how to go about each of these… it has been an adventure : ) (which I am confident is just the beginning!) but I have found my happy place. I’ve learned so many interesting life lessons through both my own experiences and those shared with loved ones; from studies to heartaches to career paths to deaths to health to travels to goals and set backs, etc. etc.

I’ve been fortunate to be a student of life (and of course continue to be) and to have the Lord as my personal tutor through prayer and scripture. One great lesson I have learned in particular comes from a talk I heard in a church meeting called General Conference last fall, which is that, “I may not know everything, but I know enough” (see,5232,23-1-947-4,00.html – You Know Enough, Neil Anderson).

Again, I can’t express just how truly truly happy I am right now and how excited I am about the future and the adventures held in store. How grateful I am to the Lord for allowing me to experience such peace and happiness which I know is available to all who sincerely seek Him – He lives and I know loves each of us, as He truly is our Father in Heaven.

All this + More = I know enough… = HAPPY! : )

Much love, K*

YOUR TURN/READER THOUGHTS: When was a time you were truly and completely happy? What/where would you consider one of your "happy places"?


Rex Steele said...

Thanks for your testimony! Cool blog btw

Autumn said...

Glad all is well T bop ditty!

Afton said...

That was a nice post Teens, glad you are happy. You always seem very happy too, it's great to be around someone so positive! That's why the marathon was so fun!

.... And now, for some flavorful & audio-licious enjoyment .... ; )

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