Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's true... I'm baaaack!

Once upon a blog... I used to record the random flavors, or experiences rather, of my life in a fabulous high school xanga blog... and well, after being inspired in my Communications class about people who do this and make moolah... (just being honest here... : ) and reflecting on how I have had some crazy/unique/funny/exciting/educational/scary/challenging etc. experiences & opportunities (and thus have some fond memories and life lessons I should really record somehow)... I decided... it's time to blog again... so... I'm baaack! So here's the game plan. To meet the various purposes for keeping this blog, here's what I'm thinking for updates... (are we loving the flavor theme, or what?! I am...! I also love food, so maybe that is why... hmm... maybe I should go eat something...! : )

Servings (frequency)...
  • Weekly/Sundays (but more if I can, so check back!)
Menu (Format)...
  • Flavors (posts: ) will have 2 parts... (occasionally 3) First, a little sample (for a quick, but interesting digest : ), followed by the full scoop... (to feed your appetite for my ramblings and random experiences/life lessons : ) and occasionally a second helping (this would include any extra information/details that give a little helpful/interesting background on the situation or experience)
Dishes (Content)...
  • *Samples* A little random flavor that anyone might enjoy; this could be a funny youtube video, interesting article, cool website, helpful resource, etc. etc. (or I may take the liberty to just jot down some random thoughts from the day twitter/facebook status style : )
  • *Full Scoop* These will include random memories (sad, funny, spiritual, silly, exciting, random - whatever flavor I'm in the mood for : ) which may have a purpose and include a life lesson, or just for personal entertainment/record... which means I may or may not leave you out on some inside jokes/details... we'll see : ) I may also include current updates/adventures or thoughts/tangents as I feel so inspired. (Again, if you're not so interested in the fabulous nitty gritty details of my rambling, I'll try to at least provide some B+ entertainment in the "sample" ; )
  • *Full Course* Occasionally I may have a story/experience/life lesson that is a little more involved, and so as to not overwhelm anyone, (nor myself timewise: ) I may dish out updates over a few posts... and really, who doesn't love a little "to be continued..." anticipation anyway, riiight?! : )
  • *Second Helpings* Some posts may just be short or simple stories just for the sake of the story; however, I may include a second helping to enhance the experience/story by giving more info./specifics of where, how, what led to the situation, etc. etc...

DISCLAIMER: For those who know me well, you know that I love trying new things, learning about different people and cultures, setting crazy goals and attempting to reach them...! So in the full scoops, for the sake of personal record keeping, I am going to go ahead and divulge some things about myself, some may be new or surprising, and some may seem "so 5 years ago..." (and that may be the case: ) but I digress... to conclude, please know that as this is my personal record, so I am going to go ahead and reference various experiences with the purpose and intent of getting a little flavor of my life's experiences and lessons learned on hard copy, with the hopes of providing something for the reader that may actually be interesting, helpful, thought provoking... or just some plain, cheap entertainment...: )

On that note...

I look forward to sharing the various flavors of my life and hope anyone who may stumble upon this feels free to share any flavor feedback or flavors of your own ; )

Much love, K*

1 comment:

Nichole W. said...

Oh Kristina! I'm so excited for your blog! I'll be a faithful follower.

.... And now, for some flavorful & audio-licious enjoyment .... ; )

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