Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Koh Samed... aka... Paradise...


Need a break?? Go visit Thailand!


The following are videos from our adventure to the Koh Samed... aka... the beach!! : )

1. Ride to the hotel after we arrived to the Island on a ferry...!

2. My new friend teaching me how to do these fire/twirly ball things : )

3. One of our favorite "Thai" teachers giving us a lesson on to identify a "handsome" Thai boy ; )

4. Natalie and I saw flames from the other end of the beach... this is what we found : ) (and yes, his abs are as defined as they look...: )

5. So our family had a mo-ped growing up, but I've always wanted to drive somewhere crazy, and with Becky being the next most experienced with having ridden a dirt bike once, the other gals never... they were great to humor me and we all had a blast!!

6. More fun on the scooters, Natalie's turn to drive...! After a near death experience, things went pretty smoothly : )

7. Exploring the beach...

8. Last night at the beach, good-bye fire dancing boys!

More to come...! : )

Much love, K*

YOUR TURN/READER THOUGHTS: Do you have a favorite beach or beach memory?


Rebecca said...

2 things... actually 3...
1) why is this the first I'm hearing about you having a blog?
2) I'm so jealous that you got to go to thailand!! I'm glad you posted videos though so I could semi-pretend I got to go with you ;)
3) Are you in Provo again? If so, where are you living??

Nichole W. said...

Oh you're adventure looks like so much fun. I enjoyed watching all your video clips. I love your narration, you make me laugh because you are so cute!
My favorite beach is Matareva Beach in Samoa. BEAUTIFUL! You should google it! :)

derence walk said...
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derence walk said...

Your adventure is exceptionally cool! Awesome blog!

.... And now, for some flavorful & audio-licious enjoyment .... ; )

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