In honor of Easter, the holiday that has been set apart to celebrate that Christ was resurrected and lives, I would like to share my simple but sincere testimony of our Savior through the following video messages, as they speak for themselves. Please watch and enjoy : ) As you do, **despite your faith or denomination,** I invite you to ponder and reflect what the Savior has done for you and invite you to express your gratitude in prayer -- He is there, loves you -- and is listening, as He is aware of your situation in life, as well as your desires and hopes. I know that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us and that Christ is His Son and that not only did He live and die for us, on that third day, He rose, and... He lives again!! : ) I know that to be true.
Just as there were Apostles in the bible, as a Latter-day Saint, as result of a loving Heavenly Father who wants to provide a clear path for us to return to Him, I believe that there are Apostles on the earth again today -- this is the simple but touching reflection of one of them about this Easter Holiday.
***An Apostle's thoughts on Easter:***
The following are a few of my favorite hymns that honor Christ and His sacrifice and the hope we can find in Him.
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
I Stand All Amazed
His Hands
***Finally, the following is a link to a text version of a combined testimony of the 12 Apostles of The Living Christ - it is a true and beautiful testimony of our Living Christ.***
More messages like these can be found at http://www.youtube.com/mormonmessages and http://www.mormon.org.
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