Tuesday, March 8, 2011

40% off Musana Jewelry to Celebrate International Women's Day!

So I've been a little inactive in the blogging world for a while... but I'm making a comeback for a very important reason! : ) Musana Jewelry is the NGO I helped some friends start over a year ago. We have a new Spring collection coming soon and are currently doing a clearance sale to celebrate International Women's day! Check out: www.musanajewelry.org

40% off + Free shipping if you blog about us or make the image above your FB profile pic and email us about it at info@musanajewelry.org!

Even if you are not up for new jewelry, please share the message with friends -- your few clicks can make a world of difference to these women and their communities. See our Musana blog for details. Let me know if you have any questions or want to get involved, enjoy a quick intro. video here... Happy International Women's Day!

Much Love,

.... And now, for some flavorful & audio-licious enjoyment .... ; )

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