I don't want to brag, but... I DID work in the library computer labs... don't be jealous BYU has an incredible library... ; )
Want a glimpse into the innerworkings of Kristina? Or at least the random questions my work uses to interrogate people? If anything, the questions themselves are pretty entertaining. Enjoy my answers 4-12 of a get to know you survey we did at work... good times -- would love to know any of your answers to these questions, please feel free to share! So random, right?! : )
4. What’s your favorite color?
5. What do you like to do in your free time?
- Dream of more free time : ) Read, run, be outside, spend time with people, make tapas (Spanish appetizers : ), etc.!
6. It’s a Friday night, what are you doing?
- Getting treats and doing fun things, getting groups together to do stuff... and an occasional a hot date ; )
7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
- A Mom : ) As well as.. the first lady : ) Or... would love to work for the Government in the Foreign Services or in the non-profit sector
8. Any big plans for Christmas?
- Having a fondue dinner with family and playing with my nieces and nephews!
9. Please tell me one short, interesting story about yourself.
- When I was little (say 8/9/10 or so), I would play "business" instead of house : ) (I did that too, but just wasn't as fun : ) j/k I had a little "office" I created for my self and among my many careers (I was a teacher, a counselor, aerobics instructor, etc.) I was a banker. I lent money to my sister and the deal was you have to give me back the money in the exact change I gave it to you (meaning if I gave you 5 pennies, you have to give me 5 pennies back : ) Well, she signed the contract, and once her time was up, the interest charge was $1 a day for everyday late the first week, $2 a day the second week, etc. Long story short... I made $20 off of her... and it was beautiful : )
10. What’s the coolest place you’ve ever been to?
- Other than my mom's old room in my Grandma's house... probably the tent home of a Moroccan nomad family in the Sahara.
11. Who do you think would win out of a fight between Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas) and the Grinch, and why?
- Jack... the Grinch has no heart. Gotta have heart to win.
12. What is the most awkward/interesting thing you have seen in the labs?
- 2 guys on the same day "diggin' for gold" and then using the keyboards...
13. If you had to be any type of Christmas decoration, what would you be, and why?
- The leg lamp... : )
14. What’s your favorite part of Christmas?
- Reenacting the nativity as a family and the reading Luke 2
15. What’s one unique Christmas tradition your family does?